TIP #1
Use a pre-shave to add a protective blanket to your skin and to keep those whiskers soft for having. It also reduces the friction between the blade and skin.
TIP #2
Use a post-shave. It will relieve any burn, dryness and irritation, and leave a nice scent for her to sniff.
TIP #3
Never dry shave if you can help it. If you do dry shave, calm it down with a soothing balm or lotion
TIP #4
Do not use disposable shavers because it's construct forces you to shave against the grain and irritates the skin. Besides, it's not eco-friendly.
Shaving City
Cutting-Edge Workouts
A little variety can make a big difference in your workout results. "Life and sports occur in three planes of motion, and working your muscles from multiple directions can help prevent joint problems and muscular imbalances," says Craig Rasmussen, C.S.C.S. Use this guide to increase your strength and limit pain in your shoulders and hips. The best part: These multimuscle exercises can also boost your metabolism.
Motion that's primarily forward or backward. This plane divides the body into left and right halves.
Forward lunge, chinup, close-grip bench press
Motion that's rotational. This plane divides the body into upper and lower halves.
Single-arm cable row with rotation, cable chop, crossover stepup
Motion that's primarily side-to-side. This plane divides the body into front and back halves.
Side lunge, dumbbell overhead press, pullup