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Dress 2 Impress

Roll up your pants

Believe it or not, this uncomplicated and seemingly trivial move can make a noticeable difference to your overall appearance. Rolling up a pair of jeans, for instance, gives a rakish appeal to the casual slacks while saying, "I'm not your average jeans guy." How far up should the hems be folded? Keep them about an inch or two above your ankles.

Anything above that and you'll look like a fisherman. The look has to be styled correctly, affirms fashion designer, Justin Yap. Whether it's a pair in plain black or faded blue, make sure it's slim-fit and not loose. Besides jeans, the roll-up also works on khakis. Wear it with a T-shirt or tucked shirt, with or without socks. Add a pair of simple, patterned socks for a neater look. Make sure it's nice and new, not old and raggedy.

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